Whole School 2019/2020

November 2019


October 2019

Year 1 Walk into the Community

Year 1 ended their half term by venturing out into the community. They had written letters to Handa so a walk to the post box was needed to post their letters. They also walked to the market to buy African fruit for their fruit salads. What a lovely morning out!




Spooky Copthorne

Copthorne was a spooky place to be on Thursday! All of the children came to school dressed in their spookiest costumes and we even had a couple of incredible handmade costumes. The children also enjoyed the spooky disco after school!




Drumming Workshop

Each class participated in a drumming workshop this week and it was fantastic! All of the children had the chance to play a variety of different instruments inclduing the African drums. What a great opportunity!



Kit for School - ALDI Stickers

WOW! What an achievement. We have completed one of the ALDI Kit for School sticker charts and we are now moving onto our second one. We can't believe the support we have had, especially considering we are such a small school. Thank you for all of your support!



Harvest Donations 

The Year 2 children very kindly went on a walk around our community to deliver the lovely Harvest donations that we received. What a special morning!



Reception Forest School

The Reception children have been out on our grounds taking part in Forest School with Mrs Self and Mrs Hodge. They are unmissable in their bright red waterproofs! It looks like they had lots of fun plating '1, 2, 3 where are you?' 



September 2019

Year 1 Gardening

The Year 1 children have been busy weeding the garden after all the growth over the six weeks holidays! 


